Unsubscribed Capacity Summary - MWOP

TSP Name:
MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline, LLC
Post Date:
Posting Time:
01:14 PM

Unsubscribed Capacity Summary Unsubscribed Capacity - MAP Path Listing Unsubscribed Capacity By Date Range


Eff Gas Day:
End Eff Gas Day:


Loc/QTI Loc Purp Desc Loc Loc Name Rec Loc TP Loc Purp Desc Loc Loc Name Route Cd Del Loc TP Unsub Cap
RDQ Receipt Location 10013 WIC TO OVERTHRUST Delivery Location 10868 OVERTHRUST/NWP DELIVERY 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10025 OPAL PROCESSING PLANT Delivery Location 10868 OVERTHRUST/NWP DELIVERY 32,569
RDQ Receipt Location 10031 WIC WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10015 OVERTHRUST 121 / KRGT PAINTER 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10031 WIC WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10017 HAMS FORK MS 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10031 WIC WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10018 ROBERSON CREEK 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10031 WIC WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10027 WAMSUTTER M&R 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10031 WIC WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10030 RUBY TOPAZ DELIVERY 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10032 BELLE BUTTE STORAGE WITHDRAWAL Delivery Location 10015 OVERTHRUST 121 / KRGT PAINTER 59,044
RDQ Receipt Location 10032 BELLE BUTTE STORAGE WITHDRAWAL Delivery Location 10027 WAMSUTTER M&R 82,280
RDQ Receipt Location 10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10015 OVERTHRUST 121 / KRGT PAINTER 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10017 HAMS FORK MS 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10018 ROBERSON CREEK 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10030 RUBY TOPAZ DELIVERY 0
RDQ Receipt Location 10827 WAMSUTTER (REC) Delivery Location 10832 BELLE BUTTE STORAGE INJECTION DEOP 0

Important Note

Capacity shown in the above table is available for the entire upcoming 12 month period.

The Unsubscribed Capacity - MAP Path Listing report will show the available capacity for the remainder of the current month, the next month, and for terms that are less than one year or greater than one year. Capacity at some receipt and delivery points may require MOUNTAINWEST PIPELINE, LLC to purchase capacity on MOUNTAINWEST OVERTHRUST PIPELINE, LLC or WHITE RIVER HUB, LLC (off system capacity) which will increase the rate for those deliveries. The Third Party (TP)* designation on the Unsubscribed Capacity - MAP Path Listing report indicates the available capacity requiring the use of off system capacity. For Shippers desiring to acquire such capacity, MWP may charge Shipper up to the cost of the off system capacity in addition to MWP's tariff recourse rate, including fuel charges and surcharges. Requests for available capacity that utilizes off system capacity must include any reservation fees associated with these TP charges (refer to the Unsubscribed Capacity - MAP Path Listing to see these charges). Contact your marketing representative for any additional charges that would be necessary.

MWP may, from time to time, hold a bid process for service on capacity that is available or will become available.

MWP's maximum Monthly Reservation Charge is $5.28804 per Dth.

Discount information: MWP may agree, through acceptance in its contracting system, to allow a variety of discounts between its maximum and minimum rates under any rate schedule in its tariff without undue discrimination. Such discounts may be in addition to a base discount and will not be considered a material deviation from MWP'sforms of service agreements when MWP and Shipper agree that a discount applies.

For acquiring available capacity or amending a firm transportation agreement, please refer to MWP's FERC Gas Tariff Section §5 Acquiring Firm Services.

Marketing Contacts: Please contact a MWP Marketing Representative with any questions regarding current or future capacity.