Discounted Interruptible Rates Offered - MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline

TSP Name:
MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline, LLC
Max Tariff Rate:
Loc Purp Desc:
Receipt to Delivery
Posting Date/Time:
02/06/2025 9:00 AM CCT
Discount Effective Date/Time:
02/06/2025 9:00 AM CCT


Gas Day:


Rec Loc Rec Loc Prop Rec Loc Name Del Loc Del Loc Prop Del Loc Name Posted Rate*
All Receipt Locations All Delivery Locations 0.05068

* Does not include ACA or Fuel Reimbursement if applicable, which are as follows:

ACA: .00140 / Dth
Fuel Reimbursement: View MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline's FGRP Matrix


MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline may agree, through acceptance in its contracting system, to allow a variety of discounts between its maximum and minimum rates under any rate schedule in its tariff without undue discrimination. Such discounts may be in addition to a base discount and will not be considered a material deviation from MWOP's forms of service agreements when MWOP and Shipper agree that a discount applies.