Notice Type Desc | Post Date/Time | Notice Eff Date/Time | Notice ID | Subject | Rsp Date/Time | Notice Stat | Prior Notice | Reqrd Rsp |
CUST SRVC | 12/20/2024 09:00 AM | 12/24/2024 09:00 AM | 35645 | CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS | 1 | 5 |
The MountainWest Pipeline, LLC (MWP), MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline, LLC (MWOP) and White River Hub, LLC (WRH) offices will be closed on Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25 for Christmas Eve and Christmas. Gas Control and Scheduling will have minimal staff on site during all cycles. The following people will be available on-call:
Marketing: Tuesday and Wednesday - Elena Shanin (385) 271-9973
Scheduling: Hotline (801) 584-6034
Tuesday - Jonathan Beck – Timely & Evening
Heather Walter – ID1, ID2 & ID3
Wednesday - Marvin Stevens – Timely & Evening
Isaac Aguayo – ID1, ID2 & ID3
For more detailed gas scheduling coverage, please refer to the MountainWest Pipeline Customer Support web page on
If you have any questions, please contact your MWP Marketing or Contract Services Representative or the Customer Service Hotline at 801-584-6034.