MyQuorum® Nomination / Gas Flow Timelines / Scheduling Rules


Nomination Cycle

Deadline for

Confirmation Deadline

Receipt of Final Scheduled Quantities

Start of Gas Flow 

IT Bump Rights

Timely 12:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. NA
Evening 5:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.  8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. bumpable
ID1 9:00 a.m. 11:30  a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. bumbable
ID2 1:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. bumpable
ID3 6:00 p.m.  8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m.  9:00 p.m.  no bump
*All times are Mountain Standard Time 

Guidelines on Nomination Bumping and Elapsed-Prorated-Schedule-Quantity

The term "bumping" refers to the rights of firm customers to supersede the rights of interruptible scheduled customers to flow. The term "Elapsed-Prorated-Schedule-Quantity" means that portion of the scheduled quantity that would have theoretically flowed up to the effective time of the intraday nominations being confirmed (see below).


Mainline Transportation

Clay Basin Storage Injections*

Timely Nominations

No bumping
No elapsed pro-rata restrictions
(quantity can go to zero)

No bumping
No elapsed pro-rata restrictions (quantity can go to zero)

Evening Nominations

If capacity constraints exist, OVR and IT are bumped by FIRM
NEW IT cannot bump scheduled IT received in Timely Cycle

If capacity constraints exist, ISS is bumped by FSS
FSS is allocated by MDQ if it exceeds available capacity
ISS is allocated pro-rata if capacity is available after FSS needs are met
NEW ISS cannot bump scheduled ISS received in Timely Cycle

Intraday I Nominations




Intraday II Nominations




If capacity constraints exist:

OVR is bumped by FIRM

Scheduled IT is bumped by FIRM but not below  20.83%  of scheduled quantity

Scheduled FIRM cannot go below  20.83% of scheduled quantity

NEW IT cannot bump scheduled IT received Timely Cycle

If capacity constraints exist:

OVR is bumped by FIRM
Scheduled IT is bumped by FIRM but not below  37.5%      of scheduled quantity

Scheduled FIRM cannot go below  37.5% of scheduled quantity

NEW IT cannot bump scheduled IT received Timely Cycle
Any scheduled quantity received in Intraday I cannot be cut below 16.67% in this Cycle (ID II).


Scheduled ISS is bumped by FSS but not below  20.83% of Scheduled quantity
Scheduled FSS cannot go below 20.83% of scheduled quantity
NEW FSS cannot bump scheduled FSS received in Timely Cycle


Scheduled ISS is bumped by FSS but not below  37.5% of Scheduled quantity
Scheduled FSS cannot go below 37.5% of scheduled quantity
NEW FSS cannot bump scheduled FSS received in Timely Cycle


Intraday III Nominations

No bumping

Any scheduled quantity received in Timely Cycle or Evening Cycle cannot be cut below 54.16% in this Cycle ID III).

Any scheduled quantity received in Intraday I cannot be cut below 33.33% in this Cycle (ID III)
Any scheduled quantity received in Intraday II cannot be cut below 16.67% in this Cycle (ID III).

No bumping




  * Note: These guidelines do not apply to withdrawal because all withdrawals are firm therefore, there is no bumping. The elapsed prorated calculation would still apply to nominations being reduced by the storage holder.

Revised: 04/27/2016